Posted by Lisa on August 9th, 2007 — Posted in Activities
Tuesday we decided to go to Isla Damas to see the penguins with my friend and her family. I’ve been there more than a couple times and have always had good luck and been able to go out, unlike my friend Angela who has gone 5 times and never been able to go out in the boats due to rough seas. We figured my luck would prevail and we would all get to go. Tuesday was a gorgeous sunny day, but when we get to Caleta los Chorros we found the fishermen hanging out on shore. Unfortunately the seas were too rough so we couldn’t go out. We did go to the “playa las conchitas” which means beach of shells and had a great time walking around the beach which funnily enough was made of only shells, we couldn’t see any sand. We then headed to one of our favorite restaurants for lunch.


Burrowing Owl

Caleta los Hornos


Lunch at Gladys’ which is famous for their Pastel de Jaiba (chilean crab and cheese casserole)

Cooking up the corvina and reineta we bought at the fish market

Drinking papaya juice

Wine tour at Las Cavas del Valle- which is one of the smallest and highest wineries in Chile. For the wine tasting, we got to try the wine right out of the barrel.

OH NO!!! We were planning on going to one of our favorite spots in Pisco Elqui- a fresh juice bar, and when we got there we found this…

The good news is they plan to rebuild and reopen for the summer.
Karin and Steve in front of the church and pics of the church

Pisco tour

At the dam and the aeolian harp

Tonight Karin and I head off on the overnight bus to Santiago. Look for an update next week. Have a great weekend!
Posted by Lisa on August 7th, 2007 — Posted in Misc
Unfortunately we were out all day and we weren’t able to call and wish Luke and Lily Happy Birthday! By now, they should be fast asleep in bed. We just wanted to wish the little ones a happy 3rd birthday. It’s amazing how fast they grow up!! We love you guys!! Happy Birthday! (Their birthday is August 6th which is today, for some reason it posted as the 7th, oops!)

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Posted by Lisa on August 7th, 2007 — Posted in Activities
Karin, Steve and I have been having a wonderful time together. In-fact, we’ve been so busy, I haven’t been able to update the blog. Here are some of the things we’ve been up to…
My friend Veronica invited us over for Picarones. I think I posted a recipe once before, but here’s a peruvian recipe for them too!

Peruvian Picarones
1/2 cup pumpkin cooked and strained
1/4 cup water in which the pumpkin was cooked
1 tablespoon yeast
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon cornstarch
3 cups flour
1 cup milk
Frying Oil
In a beater mix the pumpkin puree gradually adding the milk. Then add the flour and cornstarch beating constantly. Add the yeast (Which has previously been dissolved in the hot pumpkin water with the sugar).
Mix to a smooth paste and place in a bowl. Heat the oven to 300 F. and place the bowl inside the oven for a minute. Turn the oven off and leave the dough inside the oven for 45 minutes giving time to raise. In a large skillet or deep frying pan add plenty of oil to heat. Dip the fingers into the mixture and drop it into the hot oil trying to shape them as a doughnut. Fry until golden and well puffed up. Serve with a syrup made of sugar loaf, orange peels and cinnamon sticks.
Japanese Garden

Gemini Observatory

Cactus Fun


Hanging out with Friends

Some other highlights include going out to dinner with friends, went out clubbing in Coquimbo, saw our friends band play, we have played TONS of mah jongg, and the best part is we’ve gotten to just be together. We’re having a wonderful visit and have so much more planned.
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Posted by Lisa on August 4th, 2007 — Posted in Activities
Karin arrived here safe and sound, albeit a little later than planned on Thursday. After picking her up at the airport, we came home so she could freshen up and see the pad. We then headed down to the beach for a nice late lunch and some pisco sours. 3 pisco sours later, we headed outside to run around on the beach and watch the sunset. We then went grocery shopping, came home, started to watch Stranger Than Fiction (good movie) and headed off to bed. I’m so happy my twin is here and that we are getting some much needed twin time. We do miss Adam (her hubby) and wish he could have come as well.

Yum, empanadas

Posted by Lisa on August 2nd, 2007 — Posted in Travel
I figure I better finish this update before Karin gets here, which should be around 3. On Saturday Steve and I decided to get up to see the sunrise over Machu Picchu. Luckily, my dad was feeling much better and he and my mom decided that they would go to Machu Picchu a little later. Unfortuately, it was pretty cloudy, so we didn’t really get to see the sunrise. It did get us up there nice and early, and STeve and I were able to climb up Huayna Picchu. It was a tough climb but absolutely worth it. The view from the top was spectacular. We then climbed down the back of the mountain to see the caves. Total time was about 4 and a half hours. When we were done, we went back to Aguas Clientes explored the town some, and had a nice lunch,. Then met up with the rents after their Machu Picchu trip and headed back to the train station and back to Cusco. Saturday also was the day that the new seven wonders of the world was announced (Machu Picchu being one), so there was a big party going on in the Plaza de Armas in Cusco. We did get back to town to late to go, but STeve and I walked around the Plaza de Armas where they had constructed big statues to mark the occasion.
Steve and I before the hike

Still feeling good

Part of the trail

View from NOT the top

Are we almost there?

Getting closer…

WE MADE IT!!!!!!

Trail leading down to the Great Cavern also known as the Temple of the Moon

The Temple of the Moon

Us after the hike

Peruvian hairless dog

Aguas Calientes
The train ride back

Plaza de Armas in Cusco

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Posted by Steve on August 1st, 2007 — Posted in Your Guest Host Steve
As some of you may have been aware, I’ve been working on a photo gallery site to display the best of the thousands and thousand of photos I’ve taken over the last few years. This site isn’t meant to replace the photo sharing that Lisa does on this blog, but to showcase my favorite, more artistic pictures. The new website is tinyPHOTONS. There will be a new image everyday this week (so there are 3 already!), and I plan to add several photos a week after that (but no promises!). I hope you enjoy!