Posted by Lisa on June 27th, 2007 — Posted in Activities
My parents arrived safe and sound on Sunday for their annual 3 week visit. Unfortunately, as you know, I’m not as picture crazy as I used to be, but i’ve gotten some. We’ve been busy catching up with each other and talking about our upcoming trip to machu pichuu. A brief synopsis of the visit thus far includes- amazing steaks with a homemade coffee rub by Steve (idea courtesy of a wonderful rub he received from his parents), exploring the downtown area, shopping, cooking, baking, eating, teaching my mom to play mah jongg, la feria, valle del encanto, going to the beach and playing with the leynadog. Since my dad is here, i’ve decided to put him to work, our project is building a fence for the backyard. So far we’ve gone to Easy (similar to home depot), and have priced out options. Tomorrow we plan on going to my favorite town, PIsco Elqui, and if we’re back in time the local technological college is having a wine tasting. I am never one to pass up free booze!!!
Leyna learning to knit

Picnic lunch

Enchanted Valley

At the valle del encanto there is a sign for the “el bano de inca”, to get there, you follow a trail over and through a bunch of rocks and find…

Posted by Lisa on June 17th, 2007 — Posted in Misc
Just wanted to say happy fathers day to the best dad and dad-in-law in the world!! I love you both and can’t wait for your next visit! Have a terrific day!!!

Posted by Lisa on June 16th, 2007 — Posted in Misc
Come on, throw it!!


Got it!!

1 Comment »
Posted by Lisa on June 16th, 2007 — Posted in Activities
In the states I used to love summer and the thunderstorms that would come. Living in La Serena, we only get about 2 or 3 rainstorms a year and no thunderstorms. We get so little rain that the town has no run off system, so when it does rain, there’s usually flooding as well. Thursday marked our first rainstorm of the year. For about the past week or so, it’s been cloudy and overcast all day. On Friday though, after the rain, it was a beautiful sunny, clear day. While I was out driving to my morning meetings downtown, I could see that the mountains were covered with a beautiful blanket of snow. We were also being blessed with the absolutely clear visibility that a rainstorm provides. To celebrate this, Steve, Leynadog and I decided to go for a hike and enjoy the outdoors. Unfortunately, the great conditions were already leaving us as we arrived for our hike, but it was still a beautiful afternoon. Now, as I am posting this on Saturday afternoon, we are in the midst of our usual winter blahs.

Posted by Lisa on June 9th, 2007 — Posted in Misc
Steve and I are trying to see how long we can go without using heat, so far it’s been almost 2 years. Sometimes though, it’s colder inside than outside, so Leyna and I have to snuggle in my poncho!

Posted by Lisa on June 9th, 2007 — Posted in Misc
I found this recipe on line, and decided to make it. Steve had heard of it, but I never had. It ended up making a great and easy roast chicken. I did it indoors, since it’s cold and I didn’t feel like grilling. Hope you like it too!!!
Beer Butt Chicken (from
1 cup butter
2 tablespoons garlic powder
2 tablespoons paprika
salt and pepper to taste
chiken seasoning to taste
1 (12 fluid ounce) can beer
1 (4 pound) whole chicken
1. Preheat an outdoor grill for low heat.
2. In a small skillet, melt 1/2 cup butter. Mix in 1 tablespoon garlic salt, 1 tablespoon paprika, salt, and pepper.
3. Discard 1/2 the beer, leaving the remainder in the can. Add remaining butter, garlic salt, paprika, and desired amount of salt and pepper to beer can. Place can on a disposable baking sheet. Set chicken on can, inserting can into the cavity of the chicken. Baste chicken with the melted, seasoned butter.
4. Place baking sheet with beer and chicken on the prepared grill. Cook over low heat for about 3 hours, or until internal temperature of chicken reaches 180 degrees F (80 degrees C).
Here’s a pic of my done chicken sitting up

Posted by Lisa on June 3rd, 2007 — Posted in Travel
As many of you know, my dad brought me home for a surprise visit for mothers day, and for my sisters graduation from law school. I was home for almost 2 weeks and had a wonderful time seeing my family and friends. My sisters graduation went wonderfully, the smarty pants graduated cum laude! Karin and Adam have since then sold their house and are road tripping to Idaho to start their new life. I also got to see my friend Lauren and her new litle baby Ryan, my friend Ana and her new little baby Enrique, my friend Jaime and her 14 month old baby Julia, and my friend Janet and her 7 1/2 month old baby Ella. Cara, Joel, and I stopped in Philly for a short visit, and Janet and Alan had prepared an awesome picnic for all of us. It was fabulous seeing everyone, including my friends Laurie and John who were also there!! Some upcoming plans that Steve and I have are my parents are coming in a few weeks for a 3 week visit and my sister is coming in August for a visit as well. Here are some pics from the visit…
Mom surprised at seeing me

Hanging out at Grandmas with the family

Hanging out with Jill and the kids

My cousin Kim and her daughter Zoe and new baby Lily came for a visit and we went to Westmoor Park (which is a 4-H farm) and to the park to play
Graduation Weekend
Law School Reception

Fort McHenry and Baltimore waterfront

Baseball game, Nats lost to the Orioles

Graduation Day!!!

Philly Visit

I learned how to knit while I was home, and this is my first project. A blanket for sweet little Ryan!

A special thanks to my dad, who made this trip possible!!! It was his idea and I had a terrific time. Love you dad!!!!