Posted by Lisa on January 14th, 2007 — Posted in Activities
I’ve been having a great weekend. It started off on Friday, with my friends Jaime, Rikki, Marlene and Joanna coming over for an afternoon of mahjong and pisco sours. Friday night Steve and I went to a birthday party that was hat themed. Saturday, we went grocery shopping relaxed at home and caught up on some movies. Today, Steve’s busy working, so I’ve been cooking and cleaning. Just finished up a batch of lemon scented blueberry muffins- the house smells devine. Hope you all had a great weekend as well!
Picture of us from party- Steve looks thrilled to be wearing a hat!!!


Posted by Lisa on January 10th, 2007 — Posted in Misc
Steve and I have been on a pretzel making kick. We’ve made them for 2 parties recently. Thought i’d share the recipe we’ve been using. They are surprisingly easy to make and everyone says that they are the best pretzels. Enjoy!

Posted by Lisa on January 6th, 2007 — Posted in Activities
Yesterday, we finally joined the ranks of Daniel Craig as James Bond fans. I would go as far to say that he is my favorite James Bond ever, with Sean Connery in a close second. I really enjoyed the movie, from all aspects. I liked the toughness and edge that Daniel Craig brought to the movie, the only thing I missed was Q, though I feel in past Bond movies the gadgets became INSANE!! We went with our friends Rob and Joanna, and before hand we ventured to Schopdog, which is a chain restaurant here in Chile, for the ever popular Rocket…

After the movie we headed down to the little chinese restaurant on the beach, and ended up joining up with our friends Chris and Rikki. We had a wonderful meal and a great day overall. NO big plans for this weekend, hopefully we’ll head down to the beach. Hope all is well with you, and since I never posted a new year’s post, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!