Posted by Lisa on November 30th, 2006 — Posted in Activities
While I was home, I started or should I say restarted a new hobby. I’m following in the foot steps of my crafty friends and am crocheting again. My mom taught me how to make granny square baby blankets. Here are two I made (with a little help from my mom). I started a third while I was home, but ran out of time, so my mom is going to finish it. I am currently working on another blanket here in Chile. I think it will turn out beautifully, I’ll post a picture when I’m done.
For beautiful baby Ella

For soon to be baby Shamitz. I went to my friend Katy’s baby shower while I was home. More about that part of the trip to come….

Posted by Lisa on November 30th, 2006 — Posted in Travel
We went to CT in the beginning of October for a long weekend. We…
Saw the dogs and rebonded with IzzyBizzy (who loves my parents SO much and is very happy in CT)

I got to pick the last few tomatoes from my mom’s garden- which by the way are the BEST tomatoes EVER!!

Celebrate Karin and my birthday- along with our other family, the Grady’s!!

Reunited the Foley Family Players featuring- Bernadette on violin, Thomas on guitar, Karin on viola, Adam on guitar, Lisa on recorder and Steve on piano, playing “Ode to Joy”.

On Saturday, went to our friend Helen’s 30th bday bash, went to our 11th high school reunion, the mexican restaurant for drinks afterward, and back to our house to play games. Happy days, Cara and Joel also came home for the weekend to hang out.

Lastly, we went to a family reunion, and got to hang out with my grandma and family.

Posted by Lisa on November 30th, 2006 — Posted in Travel
We tried to make hotel arrangements for Bloomington for the 5 days we were there, but unfortunately (or luckily for us) we weren’t able to get a hotel room for our first night, so we got to stay with Heidi. Who by the way has a great apartment and is a great hostess. We went to Macri’s for the ever popular mozzarella sticks and then back to her place for games and fun. We were so happy we got to hang out with all our friends. We went to Nick’s for some sink the Biz with Heidi, Nick and April, we also went out to dinner with everyone to yummy Mexican and hung out at Nick and April’s apartment. It was so great getting to see them, we only with we could’ve gotten up North to see Adam, Melissa and the bug. Hopefully next time we come rolling though we can get to see them. I also got to hang out with all my friends from work. We got to go to Brown County with our friends Lori and Bob, we went to Gnawbone, for the best pork tenderloin sandwiches in the world. We also went to some painters house, I can’t remember who, Lori do you know? Anyways, we had a great time seeing them again. I ended up going to work each night to see everyone. I do miss nursing, but it was wonderful being back a the hospital with all my friends. It was like I never left. Hopefully it will be that easy to transition back into working when I get back to the states. Steve was also able to do some work at IU, which was our reason for gong to Bloomington. I can’t wait to go back! The great thing about this 3 month trip was in the end, it made me realize how important everyone is to me, I had so much fun seeing everyone, and I miss all my friends terribly. So, my door is always open to anyone who wants to come visit!!!!

Posted by Lisa on November 30th, 2006 — Posted in Travel
Next on our trip, we went to TN for a week. New things going on with the Margheim’s include- Terry retiring, Mary Jane starting a new job in Atlanta, and selling the house and moving to Georgia. Luckily for us, Mary Jane was able to get the week off and come home to TN. They actually ended up moving to Atlanta a week or 2 after we visited. We had a great time in TN, and I got to celebrate my birthday with Mary Jane and Terry (and Steve of course). Mary Jane and I had a wonderful spa day- full pampering. We also went to a corn maze and out to chinese for dinner. Then home, where we had birthday cake made by Steve. It was a great birthday and a great week!! I can’t wait to go Atlanta and visit!!

Steve (without facial hair) in the Aztec again

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Posted by Lisa on November 27th, 2006 — Posted in Activities
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with all the works!! Steve and I went to our friend Amy’s house for a nice outdoor gathering. It was in the 70s, sunny and breezy- the perfect day. Steve made his wonderful turkey and I made mashed potatoes after going all over town and was unable to find sweet potatoes. There was about 20 of us, and we spent the day in the sun eating, drinking and relaxing. What a great way to start back in Chile!!!

Posted by Lisa on November 26th, 2006 — Posted in Travel
On our way to Steve’s conference in Portugal, we were able to stop in London for 2 nights and 2 days. We had a fabulous time exploring the city in those 2 days. We stayed right near Paddington Station in this great little funky arty hotel The Pavilion and were able to take the underground everywhere. We saw the London Eye, Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, Downing Street, Trafalgar Square, St Paul’s, The Tower of London and much more. We were able to meet up with our friend Danielle who was finishing up her master’s in London and went out for a pint. Steve and I also went out for the BEST indian food that we have ever had. It was delicious. Also, we went to the Royal Shakespeare Company’s performance of The Canterbury Tales, which was tremendous. So good, that I now want to reread the book!! We can’t wait to go back and spend more time in London (and more money!). Here are some pics…

Posted by Lisa on November 26th, 2006 — Posted in Misc
After almost 3 months of traveling, I am finally back in La Serena. I got back Tuesday, and am now ready to start updating the blog, so sit down relax, and enjoy seeing the pics form our 3 month vacation.
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