Posted by Steve on August 22nd, 2006 — Posted in Your Guest Host Steve
Sorta. Lisa is still to busy to post anything. She’s at the orphanage this afternoon and she has dance class tonight, so I doubt she’ll post anything today. I’m not really doing anything really worth posting about, but the puppy and I take cute pictures.

Posted by Lisa on August 16th, 2006 — Posted in Misc, Uncategorized
We haven’t been able to get our pictures working yet, so I apologize for no pic. I hope you have a wonderful birthday, and we can’t wait to see you in OCtober! Happy birthday, bro!!!!!!!!
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Posted by Lisa on August 6th, 2006 — Posted in Misc
I can’t believe you guys are already 2!!! Sorry to miss another birthday, though I’ll see you both in October!! Sorry I don’t have any pictures to post of you, the only ones I have are from when you were tiny babies!!! Hope you had fun at your party!

Posted by Lisa on August 6th, 2006 — Posted in Activities
The four of us spent last weekend skiing in the Andes. We left Santiago and drove straight up into the mountains surrounding the city. The drive took about an hour and a half on some of the scariest roads. It was full of switch-backs and ice, most vehicles had chains on their wheels for the ascent. ON a side note- on the way done the mountain, there was a horrible looking accident, apparently a jeep had been riding it’s breaks down the mountain, the breaks went out and it went flying over the edge. By the looks of it, we all feared the worst. It was a madhouse getting down the mountain, apparent 5500 cars were trying to, and the emergency vehicles had a hard time getting up the mountain on account of the traffic, but I found out today, that no one was hurt, just some scrapes and bruises. Back to the skiing. We arrived at our hotel Saturday morning, and immediately left for the slopes. Joel spent the day teaching Steve how to snowboard, while Cara and I spent the day skiing together. We were supposed to meet the van to take us back to the hotel at the ski resort below us, so Cara and I skied down, while Steve and Joel had to walk because it was to advanced for Steve. He ended up missing the van and they had to walk 6 kms back to the hotel. When they got back, they found Cara and I relaxing in the hot-tub. I felt so bad for Steve, but the driver wouldn’t go get him and Joel was as usual, super nice and walked with Steve. They did get to enjoy the hot-tub before dinner though. We enjoyed a wonderful dinner in the lodge, had planned on staying up and drinking some wine and playing cards, but we were all exhausted and fell right to sleep. The next morning after breakfast, though Steve was hurting from his previous day full of falls, he decided to brave it, and try it again. We went back to El Colorado, Steve and I spent the day together, and Cara and Joel spent the day at the top and back of the mountain- to places Steve and I can only visit in pics 🙂 We headed back down to Santiago that night. Check the next update for Santiago fun…
Our Hotel

Where we went to ski

Cara and I ready to go

Steve and Joel ready to hit the slopes

“Whooaaa, out of my way!!!!!”

Joel and Steve shredding the slopes

Pictures from the top

Enjoying some beers and sun and snow

Posted by Lisa on August 6th, 2006 — Posted in Activities
I’m sorry I haven’t updated in a while, I have so much to share about the end of Cara and Joel’s visit! Our sad news is that we lost most of our 2006 pictures- all the ones that were horizontal, which was most of them. Steve is trying to find them, so maybe we can get some back. That does mean, we lost most of our pics of Cara and Joel’s visit, so I only have a few to update with. Luckily, I hadn’t downloaded our Santiago/skiing pics yet so that post will have all those. Cara and Joel, we may need copies of the ones Joel has on his computer, I’ll let you know.
On to better things- last Wed and Thursday which would have been day 5 and 6 of the visit, we went to Pisco Elqui. Prior to leaving, Cara and I went to a friend’s house who is a painter, and Cara bought a beautiful painting- Joel do you like it? Once we got home we packed up and left. It was a cold and very rainy day on Saturday, but we didn’t let that deter us. We went up to Pisco Elqui, on the way we stopped at Las Cavas Del Valle for a wine tour and tasting.

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