Posted by Lisa on June 27th, 2006 — Posted in Activities
A typical Wednesday for Steve and I involve, Steve getting up and going to work, me going hiking, then traditionally we like to go downtown to lunch. After lunch, I go off to my spanish lesson while Steve finishes up some last minute homework, then heads off to his class. We then convene at a local coffee shop for some coffee/nescafe. But really, it can’t even be called coffee, it’s a cup of either instant coffee, or a cup of questionable espresso watered down. We have now instituted Wednesday evenings as happy hour downtown, so after our coffees we meet up with anyone whose interested in having a drink. Last week our friends Rikki and Ilene came, but this week, I think there will be more. Hopefully following this, will be a nice home cooked meal.

I love Steve’s below expression…

Posted by Lisa on June 26th, 2006 — Posted in Misc
After a long day from being sore from playing frisbee on the beach, there is nothing better than watching the world cup with friends, going for a nice hike with friends and the pup, eating a yummy meal that your hubby prepared (steak and potatoes) and snuggling on the couch with the pup and the husband listening to Ben Lee.

Posted by Lisa on June 26th, 2006 — Posted in Activities
Apparently today is St Peter and Paul day, or at least we we’re celebrating it today here in Chile. It’s a national holiday, so yay, I don’t have to go to work!! Oh wait, everyday is a holiday for me hahah!! Today I’m going to watch the Australia Italy game at 11am, then probably go hiking. IT’s beautiful out, blue sunny skies, and it feels like it’s in the 60’s. Steve and I had a great weekend. ON Friday, we went to a winter solstice party. On Saturday, watched some games and movies and Steve made us a great mexican dinner. ON Sunday, we went to the beach with a few friends and played frisbee. Afterwards Steve and I and the pup did things around the house and hung out. It was nice to have a quiet weekend together. Here are some pics from the beach.

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Posted by Lisa on June 26th, 2006 — Posted in Misc
Yesterday was my Aunt Pat and Uncle Dave’s 40th anniversary. To celebrate they are going to China. Maybe for their 41st, they’ll come here. Happy anniversary. I love you both!!!!!!

Posted by Lisa on June 20th, 2006 — Posted in Activities
Friday night, I went out with my friends Joanna, Jenny and her son Xavier, Amy and her daughter Katherine, and Stella. We went to see Ruso Sobre Hielo- which is Russia on ice. Basically it was an icecapades in the parking lot of one of our biggest grocery stores. They did a little bit of everything- disney movie takeoffs- The Little Mermaid and Tarzan, and they even did a magic show and sawed a lady in half (how do they do that?!?) We had a ton of fun, and then went out to dinner to a chinese restaurant- well chilean/chinese, but still, the food was good and was something a little different!

On Saturday we went on a field trip with 30 of our friends and went to Hacienda Santa Cristina, which is a redone 1920’s resort type thing, with a couple of restaurants, beautiful grounds, and rooms. We were greeted at the door with pisco sours and white wine with chiromoya. We then had a lovely table full of different types of goat cheese and crackers and spreads, then outside there was a wine tasting from the local Tamaya vineyard. While all this was going on, they continued on passing out the alcohol along with some hors d’ouveres. We then sat down for a terrific meal of course served with Tamaya wine, then we about 10 of us went off to watch the World Cup on the big screen TV while others continued on with the wine and cheese, some went horseback riding, and some wandered around the property. It was a beautiful day!

Sunday, Steve grilled up some terrific filet and we brought it to our friends- Rikki and Chris’s house. Where we watched some more World Cup and snacked on steak and wings. We then came home, relaxed, cleaned and tortured the puppy as usual.

Posted by Lisa on June 20th, 2006 — Posted in Misc
While I wish I could blame the internet for all my problems, I have been a tad lax in my updating. I wanted to wish my dads a happy father’s day. You guys are the best!!!!!! These are 2 of my favorite pics from their visit here!!!

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Posted by Lisa on June 15th, 2006 — Posted in Activities
The past couple of days have been great. Through one of my friends in IESA, we were able to help (along with my friend Rikki- they stayed at her house, we had the party and made the food) host 3 british cyclists who are in the final stages of their bike tour starting in Prudhoe Bay Alaska and ending in Ushuaia Argentina. They have been cycling now for 10 months, and have hopefully 6 weeks left. They are 30-ish college buddies and are having a great time while doing charity work raising money for schools in Ecuador. Check out their website. We ended up throwing a party for them on Tuesday night and Wednesday made them dinner and my friend Rikki and I hung out with them this morning and saw them off. The funny thing is that they all said that once finished, they never want to see a bike again. They hadn’t stayed with any families since November, so they really enjoyed it. They told us that there are 3 americans slowly making there way down who are currently in Lima, Peru. I’m planning on following their progress and seeing if they need a place to stay when coming through La Serena. Apparently, about 20 cyclists a year start in Alaska cycling their way down South America, though most people don’t make it. Keep your fingers crossed that James, Anthony and Martin make it safely over the pass into Argentina and the rest of the way. It’s winter and very COLD down south, so they seemed a little nervous about the last part of the trip. They had planned on starting their trip earlier, but were waiting for a friend who ended up not being able to join them. You can follow their progress on their website.

Posted by Lisa on June 6th, 2006 — Posted in Activities
Yesterday afternoon, Steve and the pup had some much needed bonding time and played dress up…

Last night, I went to dinner with some friends for a little despedida for my friend Jeanel, who is actually back in the states. but visiting for a week and a half. It was wonderful seeing her again, and it reminded me of how much I miss not having her here. She was one of the first people I met here, and when we got the puppy, she brought us to the vet, and I just really like her. We went to Porotas which is a restaurant on the beach, one of my favorites actually, and had a great time!

Posted by Lisa on June 5th, 2006 — Posted in Activities
Steve came down from observing on Thursday, so we got to have a fun weekend together. On Friday, we went to a party then played some poker (I came in 2nd), Saturday we took Leyna to the park, went grocery shopping, and I made for the very first time homemade bread. I had used my bread machine before, but had never made it by hand. I made 2 braided egg breads, the first of which I did a 4 section braid and covered 2 strand with poppy seeds and 2 strands with sesame seeds, and the second I did a three strand braid and sweetened the egg wash with some vanilla and sprinkled cinnamon and sugar on top. They came out amazing, and for lunch today we’re going to have french toast with the cinnamon bread. Should be awesome. On Sunday, I went hiking with he pup and then went to a late lunch with friends at one of my favorite restaurants in Chile- Entre Rocas, then Sunday night Steve and I went to a friends house for some poker, neither of us came in the money 🙁 You win some, you lose some. One other thing I did this weekend thanks to our friend Adam, I have now become addicted to Weboggle and play it non stop, the best place i’ve come in is 37th out of 198, but it’s a ton of fun, though it sucks you in…
the breads prior to cooking…


cute Leyna pics (she sometimes acts as though she can’t hear us, but I’m not buying it with those ears)…

Posted by Lisa on June 4th, 2006 — Posted in Misc
Today, is my good friend Lauren’s 29th birthday. I love the below picture (it’s from the 2005 USGP), where we along with Lauren’s hubby Criss and our good friends Janet and Alan, all had a great time hanging out in Indiana and tailgating! Can’t wait to see you in September Lauren, Happy Birthday!!! Miss you and love you!!!!!!!