Posted by Lisa on February 6th, 2006 — Posted in Uncategorized
This morning, after a good night sleep. my mom and I (and Leyna of course) went hiking while my dad stayed home tinkering on the internet and Steve went to work. After we got home, we got ready and went to lunch downtown. We went to a quaint little outdoor restaurant-Beethoven’s. We had sandwiches, ensalada chilena and papas duquesaa (which are similar to fried mashed potato balls). We then went to La Recova, which is the local artesian shops where they have indoor and outdoor stands. Outside was a team of local musicians playing drums and dancing. We then went across the street and I finally bought Steve’s christmas present- 2 sea fishing rods and supplies. I was surprised at how well I was able to communicate with the salesman who knew no english, and I knew nothing about fishing and fishing terms. I wanted to find out where I can buy bait so I asked Donde puedo comprar comida para los pescados- I think roughly translated means where can I buy food for the fish? Which he understood and said to go to Coquimbo. He also told us a good place to go fishing. We then came home, had the dip that I made for the super bowl, and my dad and I played some ping pong. He beat me 2 games to 1. Currently he and Steve are playing, and I think the score is 1 to 1. My mom is busy trying to finish up The Good Earth for our book club Wednesday night. Tonight, we’re having steak on the barbie and I think we’ll play some games afterwards. I love having my parents here!!!!!

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Posted by Lisa on February 6th, 2006 — Posted in Uncategorized
My parents arrived here safe and sound yesterday. I’m so excited they are here. They will be spending the next 3 weeks with us. We had a wonderful first day. After eating a quick bite at home and meeting the pup (who they LOVE!), we went off to the beach for their first pisco sours. We sat outside a restaurant relaxed, chatted, drank and people watched. Afterwards, we drove to Coquimbo and went to the fort at the tip of the island that has been made into a cafe. We sat outside watched the birds, sea lions and boats, and drank some Cabernet Sauvignon from the Limari Valley. It was a beautiful day, in the 70’s and sunny, and everyone got some color. We then went grocery shopping, came home took naps, did Christmas in February (I got a great exercise outfit, some non parels from Munsons, a yankee hat, a magazine subscription, some clothes, some more of my polish pottery for my collection and this neat light up turning thingy with a piece of carved glass that spins) barbecued, drank more wine, watched the game and went to bed. Today, I’m waiting for the lazy bums to get up, then my mom and I are going to go hiking with Leyna, then I think we’re going to plan out the next 3 weeks and probably go out for lunch. I’ll keep you updated!
Mom and dads first pisco sour, many more to come…

Mom’s feet are in the Pacific!!!!

Driving around the hills of Coquimbo we came across a funeral procession on foot, pulling the casket along with the mourners following behind, sad but beautiful…

The house after our christmas, Leyna still loves the wrapping paper…