Days 9-12
Steve was able to take a few days off from work, so we all decided to head down to Santiago via a 6 hour bus trip. All in all the bus ride was nice though it had no air conditioning. We stayed in a wonderful hotel in Las Condes (a section of Santiago) and had a great time exploring our capitol city. We went on a bus tour, took a ride in a cable car, a funicular, a subway and numerous taxis. We had wonderful food, wine and overall great company. My stories are too numerous to tell, so I will just show some pics.
Hotel Montebianco- We recommend it to everyone, great hotel and service!!
Argentinian cow (restaurant)next to hotel
Centro Artesaneal “Los Dominicos”-
Shopping of all sorts selling local and national crafts line the winding passageways of this market. It felt like we were shopping for hours. Steve and I had thought we lost our parents but didn’t realize that there was a way back section. We all spent our life savings here, I think.
Valentines Day dinner-
Steve and I were unable to get reservations at the Thai restaurant and the hotel tried to get us reservations somewhere else, but everything was booked including the restaurant that my parents went to, so can you guess where we ended up?
Palacio La Moneda y Centro Cultural-
Underneath the presidential palace where the president works not lives, is a new cultural center with touring exhibits. Lucky for us the Mexico exhibit was here, which Steve is very into and we were able to go. One of the best pieces was an Olmac head. We were not allowed to take any pictures in the exhibits unfortunately.
Can’t wait to come back!!!!
Comment by Lauren
Ok, the picture of you in San Cristobal—it looks like you are balancing the virgin mary on your head!
Posted on February 19, 2006 at 8:55 pm